ACKU-A Specialized center of DCIMCH
A Comprehensive Advance Kidney Urology Center where you find world latest sophisticated equipment first time in country.
The Hospital is a front-runner in the private sector when it comes to certain important medical specialties such as Advanced center for Kidney & Urology. We are also performing laparoscopic procedure in Gynecology, General Surgery, laparoscopic and Laser Surgery in Kidney and Urology Center. We are also planning for Kidney Transplant in near future in Advance Kidney Center.
Holmium laser Using for removing stone from Kidney
Thulium laser Using for removingtumor from Prostate and Bladder Some advanced surgery Like: Radical Nephrectomy, partial nephrectomy, reconstructive surgery, BMG Urethroplasty and Anastomotic Urethroplasty done here and our success rate is 100% regarding these types of surgery
Pediatric Urology surgery: Like Hypospadias, PUJ Obstruction, Pediatric laparoscopic, Posterior urethral valve and Epispadias done here as regular basis
Other Urological Surgery Like: PCNL Mini, Perc PCNL, RIRS, laser Litholapaxy laser TURP, Laser TURBT and for female VVF and UVF done here.
ED: Treatment for male (erectile dysfunction) through ESWT-ED machine, Urodynamic Study for Voiding Dysfunction Uroflowmetry for Stress Urinary incontinence Kidney biopsy AV Fistula and Dialysis done here.

Contact Address
2/1 Ring Road, Shyamoli,
P: +88 02 48117801-2, +88 02 48118638-9
+88 02 48122739-40
M: 880 1409 967 431, +880 1409 967 351,
+880 1409 967 353